Sunday 8 November 2015

Something You - What I love about Autumn/Winter!

What I love about Autumn/Winter!

Picture this... The rain pouring down outside with the frosty cold wind that accompanies the Winter season (I'm really selling it so far). However your are nice and warm with your pjs on and the softest blanket around you while you're sipping on a smooth cup of hot chocolate watching Disney movies. HOW GREAT DOES THAT SOUND!?

I think the beginning of Autumn is my favourite season! It is such a nice feeling when you realise that you can now finally wear your winter coat and clothes :)

I just feel like Summer is always disappointing, you may get a week of wonderful sunshine, but unless you go abroad then that is usually it! At least with the later part of the year you can be sure of the weather.

Not only this but I don't feel so guilty about staying in and doing cosy things such as watching the telly or writing blog posts (Very important things!).

So what do you like about Autumn/Winter the best? Hopefully it's not the end of it that you prefer! I'll tell you one other thing, the best thing about it... CHRISTMAS! Who's counting down?

J x


  1. There are so many things I love about autumn! mostly being cosy inside, hot chocolate, baths and warm lit fire places! I'm so excited for Winter time too! My favourite autumn days are definitely the cold, but sunny crispy ones! xx

    1. Yes! They are the best :) I'm glad you love it too! <3
