Monday, 4 September 2017

Tips for a more healthy week!


I have been thinking about being healthier a lot recently but when I say thinking, I really do just mean thinking! So I thought I would do a post for anyone out there like me, who has all the right intentions but just needs a bit of a steer in the right direction.

I find it so hard to work up the motivation to be healthy and I think it's because I want fast results, but that's not going to happen in reality. Our health is something we constantly need to be working at and I think that's what I find the hardest!

I've come up with a few things that you and I can both give a go!!

1. Drink more water...

Sounds sooooooo boring - Sorry. However it really is a good tip! Even if you just make sure you have 1 or 2 more glasses more than you currently have then thats a good start. Water is great for so many things such as your skin, your brain, your kidneys...! Why not switch one of your multiple cups of tea (and I know how hard that is) for a glass of water?!

2. Tidy some drawers or a room

This point I was thinking more of the healthy mind kind of thing. People always say that thing that goes something like, "tidy home, tidy mind" so it must be true. I've actually been sorting out my bedroom and in particular my drawers. They were so messy inside before and I didn't really know the half of what was in there! Now that I've cleared it all out I feel like I can think straight and I don't have to do an inward groan every time I open the drawer...

3. Get an early night

Now I am definitely not someone who does this much... Well ever, to be really honest. I always have it in my head that I can just browse a few more things on Instagram or something and before I know it, it's 47 minutes later and midnight! I think the key is to set yourself a time of when you would like to be in bed, lights out and really stick to it. I would like to do that by 10 and I will definitely try! I promise!

4. Find one fruit or vegetable that you really enjoy!

Again sorry that this is such a typical, dull point. It is very important though, especially as we are coming up to the Autumn where it is going to get colder and people will have colds!
I absolutely love avacados, I think they are manna sent down from heaven. Lucikily for me, they are extremely healthy! Yay me! So maybe you like them too? If not (and I really find it hard to believe that anyone would dislike them), I'm almost certain there will be some other kind of fruit or vegetable that you actually really like. Why not browse the supermarket isle and try something you've not had before? :)

5. Spare some time just to do nothing

I think it is very important to set some time aside for yourself. Even if just an evening where you don't have any plans except maybe a date with Netflix and a pizza (or an avacado). It is so good to be able to just completely switch off, take off all your makeup and relax! We live such hectic lives where we are just have one thing after another to do, so just don't do anything for a change!
If you're the opposite and you are doing nothing more than you are doing something then I suggest the pointer for you could be to spare time for doing something with other people. Why not meet up with a friend and spend a couple of hours of quality time together? You definitely won't regret it, building relationships with people is always a good idea. They'd probably really appreciate that you took the time to think of them!

That's it! That's enough healthy-ness for one post. I will definitely be trying to give these things a go, let me know if you've got any other good tips we can all try out too.

Till next time,
Jessica x

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